About AFMC


The board of directors is AFMC’s governing body. The board sets overall policy and direction for AFMC and retains oversight responsibility.

Executive Committee

General Membership

Current Selection


The Nominating Committee will consider any name submitted as long as the person named is eligible to serve in accordance with the Corporate Bylaws and agrees to serve if elected. Only AFMC members are eligible to stand for election as Physician Directors. For the nonphysician members, the committee will look at the diversity of individuals in conjunction with those now serving on the board. AFMC is looking for individuals with strong ethics and integrity, who are open-minded, proactive, visionary and interested in advancing AFMC’s mission and purpose, and who have prior board experience.


AFMC’s Board of Directors is composed of 15 members elected by the membership during the annual meeting each spring. The directors come from various walks of life: business, financial, health care consumers, a Medicare beneficiary and health care providers. Seven physician members and eight nonphysician members currently serve the board.

Terms of Service

Each board member is elected to a three-year term and is eligible for re-election with his/her combined term of service not to exceed six consecutive years with a few exceptions. In order to maintain continuity of governance, approximately one-third of the positions are eligible for election in a given year. Elections are conducted at the membership’s annual meeting.


AFMC’s board has four scheduled meetings annually and may have additional meetings, as necessary. Board members must attend a majority of the meetings each year. AFMC bylaws require that candidates agree to serve if elected and attend the annual membership meeting when elections are held. If a member misses three consecutive meetings, he/she is no longer eligible to continue their term.


Compensation was set by an independent (non-paid) committee as allowed by Arkansas state law.  The committee set the compensation as $1,500 per board meeting. A stipend may be paid to those who attend at least 75 percent of the meetings within a fiscal year.

Compliance and Conflict of Interest Policies

These policies were developed through collaboration between the board of directors and other AFMC leadership, as well as staff members from all numerous levels and disciplines. We provide them here for public review in the interest of transparency and full accountability.

Download Policy

For more information:

Contact AnnaMarie Sullivan, corporate secretary, at 501-212-8613.

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