The purpose of the Arkansas Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Resilience Summit is to convene local, state and national leaders committed to understanding the research, practice and policy implications about ACEs to create a paradigm shift within healthcare, mental health, and child- and family-serving systems in Arkansas. Part of raising awareness about issues that affect children and families is recognizing the good work that is already being done in our community. That recognition not only assigns credit where credit is due but also encourages others to do good work as well.
The Phoenix Award
The Phoenix Award was established in 2018. It is named for the mythical bird phoenix that is reborn from its own ashes, signifying the recipient’s unselfish, lasting impact to raise awareness about and mitigate the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Adverse Community Experiences (ACEs)—“a pair of ACEs”—in Arkansas.
The Phoenix Award recognizes an exceptional educator, businessperson, policymaker, community leader, or advocate who, through their professional role, is dedicated to improving the lives of children and families across our state.
The recipient of the Phoenix Award will be selected by members of the ACEs & Resilience Summit planning committee.
The Rise Award
The Rise Award is inspired by the poem Still I Rise written by native Arkansan Maya Angelou.
The Rise Award honors an individual who demonstrates resilience in action and uses their life experience to foster resilience in others.
In essence, the honoree has “beat the odds” to overcome difficult obstacles such as abuse, neglect, family dysfunction, or poverty.
The honoree will be chosen by members of the ACEs & Resilience Summit planning committee.
Award Nomination Instructions
Award nominations are now closed. Thank you for submitting your nominations.
Congratulations to our 2024 winners!
Phoenix and Rise Award Winners
Rise Award — Colton Cooper
Phoenix Award — Eddie Donovan
Rise Award — Ashley Crow